Creating good Contents for your blog can be frustrating most times. Whether you blog or you love writing,there are Periods when you just hold your pen, and you get dumb on what to write,even the most successful bloggers can't excluded themselves from this. That aside, creating contents is a different thing on its own, after writing a content, the next thing that comes to mind is how to get traffic, where to promote your posts, how to promote your blog posts,how to increase your SEO RANKING and others(add yours). So these are what you will be gaining from this post :
  • How to brainstorm for your blog posts 
  • How to know what your audience are  looking for
  • How to research for a blog post.  
So here are lists of what to do to create good contents. 

Most blog posts don't generate traffic because they are not what the audience are looking for. Before writing a post, do a research on what audience are searching for. Now you may ask how, there are many question and answer sites, you can view any of the sites and look for the question people are searching for most.You can do find questions through facebook groups, twitter, reddit and the rest. 

Now you know what to write about, do your research on the topic you want to write about. You can do this by asking questions on forums, question and answer sites, facebook groups.Find relevant answers to the question the audience are asking.  Pen down the points you want to make on your post. Plan on how to structure your posts in a way that will be understandable to your audience. 
Also remember to do your keyword research very important before writing any of your posters. 

3.Content Creation
 The writing part.

This is the step why all of us are in this business. I write different posts differently. For some, I start with writing the perfect introduction and keep editing the paragraphs to fit as I move forward with the post. While with others, I write everything I have in mind in a raw form on the paper and then make coherent sentences later on.
I can't say which technique will suit you better. So here I'm just going to share some  advice on how to go about it :

A.  .As much as the tone of your blog post requires you to be formal please don't be. Express yourself, tell stories,crack jokes. A blog post is supposed to be informal. Keep it that way. Mix it up a little bit. Believe me, you'll love it in the end.

B.  Re-visiting your blog post again and again until you don't feel there's a need to make changes is crucial to give your best.
Proofreading is important. And you shouldn't be the one doing the final proofreading. Writing a blog requires looking at the same set of words over and over again. After a certain point, it becomes impossible to find out mistakes. Hence, ask a colleague/friend of yours to be the proof reader.
Find someone to always show your post to before hitting publish.

After writing your posts, don't  just sit and wait for the traffic to come, share your posts to your social  media accounts. You can guest post on other sites, or you can share your posts on sites like reddit, nairaland , or quora. Make a plan on how to promote your posts prior to writing them

These are ways which you can generate contents for your blog, I bet it will work for you if you put it into practice.